Below are some other plants that are noteworthy additions to the previous listings. I have had good luck growing these plants at home, and they are safe for your pets. I hope you can give some of these a
try, I think you will be pleased with the results!
- Alpinia zerumbet – Shell Ginger
- Anigozanthos flavida- Kangaroo Paw
- Araucaria bidwillii- Monkey Puzzle Tree
- Brahea armata – Blue Hesper Palm
- Capsicum annuum, baccatum, frutescens, pubescens – Various Hot Peppers (appropriate for birds.)
- Carica papaya – Waimanolo Papaya
- Chimonobambusa marmorea – Marbled Bamboo
- Citrus mitis – Calamondin Orange
- Cordyline australis- New Zealand Cabbage Palm
- Dypsis decaryi- Triangle Palm
- Halleria lucida – Tree Fuchsia (appropriate for birds.)
- Hedychium ssp. – Butterfly Gingers and their hybrids
- Indocalamus tessellates - Sasa tessellata Bamboo
- Musa ssp. – Banana "Trees" (actually they are plants.)
- Phyllostachys ssp. – Black, Leopard, Yellow Groove, etc., Bamboo
- Podocarpus falcatus – Australian Plum Pine
- Punica granatum "nana" – Dwarf Pomegranate
- Sabal mexicana – Rio Grande Palmetto
- Trachycarpus fortunei – Chinese Windmill Palm