October 2004

Gerbera Daisy – Gerbera jamesonii

Origin: South Africa






The Gerbera Daisy produces lovely flowers, which in its natural state are red, yellow or orange. Commercial growers have expanded on the color palette with pink, white, salmon, and crimson blooms. The Gerbera provides a wealth of long-lasting flower, especially if brought indoors in the autumn and kept on a cool window ledge. If its needs are met, the Gerbera will continue blooming all winter long.


But this daisy isn't just another pretty face! It has proven extremely effective in removing chemical vapors from the air, especially benzene (cigarette smoke). The Gerbera likes bright light but not full sun. The soil should be kept moist but not soggy because it can get root rot if over-watered.    


Why not brighten up you and your pets fall days with a Gerbera Daisy or two?